Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Please Report to the Principal's Office

Growing up, I hardly ever got in trouble at school. If I did get in trouble, it was usually because I was talking when I wasn't supposed to (go figure!). The most traumatic experience of all was when I was put in the corner in elementary school P.E. while my class chose square dance partners. My pre-selected partner was snatched up and I was left with the boy* with warts ALL OVER his hands. That experience alone taught me to NEVER get in trouble again, especially where boys are involved.

So of course, what happens last week?? I get called out by a professor for having the 'gift of gab'. It's 16 years after that square dance and here I am getting in trouble for running my mouth. I am in this really frustrating class that is team taught by an older gentlemen and a really cool younger associate (RCYA). It is a tortuous 2 hour class, but we get a 10 minute break in the middle. Because said class is so ridiculous and frustrating, I have bonded with the girl that sits next to me over eye rolls and exasperated sighs. So as we are walking into the restroom during the break we start talking about how frustrating the class is and how we don't understand what is going on, etc. This conversation continues as we 'take care of business' and wash our hands. On the way out of the ladies' room, I got that strange feeling where you know you might have just said something that someone you don't want to hear might have overheard in the next stall...

Fast forward to the end of class: As we are leaving, the RCYA team teacher asks up to keep walking out of the class but to talk with her. OF COURSE she heard our whole conversation in the ladies' room. OF COURSE, during this conversation, the entire class is walking by us and looking at us strangely. RCYA couldn't have been cooler about it though. She was like "I understand where you are coming from, please email me with suggestions to make it better. I wasn't sure if I should come out of the stall, so I stayed in because I didn't want to embarrass you. I had on really noticeable shoes, so I was afraid that you realized I was in there and I wanted to make sure you knew that I wasn't mad or upset!"

I might have not been sent to the principal's office and I didn't *really* get in trouble, but it sure felt like I should have taken home a slip to get my mom to sign or at least spent some time in detention. Lesson. Learned. Next time I am keeping my mouth shut or at least looking under the stalls before I open it.

*Whom, might I add, has turned into quite a handsome fella.


  1. Omg, too funny! From now on I'm checking under the stalls, too!

  2. I didn't know you had a blog! Love it!
